After the cable network revealed a significant restructuring of its programming, E! aired the final episode of Nightly Pop. A toast to their time on the air and a kiss between March and Parker marked the end of the pop culture chat programme that was presented by Morgan Stewart, Hunter March, and Nina Parker.

On social media, each of the hosts posted sincere messages to their followers thanking them for their support throughout the years.

“To everyone who contributed to making @e nightly pop what it was, from the crew who shot it to the glam and wardrobe that made us look amazing, to the producers, staff, and editors who made it all happen, to my beautiful co-hosts who have made these past 5 years so incredible, and to you, the audience that slid into bed with us each night… March wrote on Instagram, “I love you and I appreciate you; see you on the next one.

As Linear Network considers a new nightly show, “Daily Pop” and “Nightly Pop” will be cancelled, and the production teams will leave.

March underwent spine surgery, which he would joke about on social media, and soon after found out that E! had cancelled his late-night show.

In a lengthy Instagram post explaining the significance of the programme in her life, Parker shared her heart.

Since she is a plus-size Black woman, she added, “our opportunities and the opportunity for others to see us in specific on-air situations can be few & far between.” “I respected the authority and representation that came with my position. Therefore, it caused a lot of emotions when it was cancelled. and I ended up doing something very private that we are frequently told in the profession not to do.

I have personal ties to my co-hosts, Parker continued. The relationships with @morganstewart and @huntermarch were private… The hilarity and openness were intimate. The years of commitment and arduous work were deeply personal. I had a close personal relationship with the wonderful personnel and company. Those early wake-ups at 6 am were personal! I adored everything, too.

Stewart also discussed the finale of Nightly Pop while reminiscing her beginnings on E!

“Began as a Rich Kid, became a @nightlypop host. The best 8 years spent with E! I’ve grown so much, been through so much, and met some amazing, lovely individuals,” she wrote in her essay. “I also started to get decent at prompter.

Thank you for the amazing memories, and a special thank you to everyone who has ever watched an episode of anything I’ve been in. I’ll see you at the upcoming time slot.

Additionally, a number of films including clips from the most recent episode were posted on the Nightly Pop Instagram account.

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