Tyler Perry’s Ruthless is an American drama television series that he developed, wrote, executive produced, and directed. The show is a spin-off from Perry’s BET drama The Oval and centers on the lives of brutal matriarch Ruth Truesdale, who will do anything it takes to keep her family and her empire safe.


The show has received accolades for its unwavering depiction of the African-American experience, varied cast, and strong female characters. With an average of more than two million viewers every episode, Ruthless has also been a commercial success.

Ruth’s world was completely upended as the fourth season of Ruthless came to a dramatic conclusion. To find out what happens next, fans are excitedly awaiting the debut of the fifth season.

Ruthless Season 4 Recap

The series follows the life of Ruth Truesdale, a ruthless businesswoman who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. In season four, Ruth is dealing with the aftermath of her daughter’s death. She is also trying to keep her business afloat while facing competition from a new rival. Meanwhile, her son, Malcolm, is struggling with his own demons.

Season four begins with Ruth in a state of despair. She has just lost her daughter, and she is struggling to cope with the grief. She is also facing legal trouble as a result of a business deal gone wrong. Ruth’s son, Malcolm, is also struggling with his own demons. He is dealing with his own guilt over his sister’s death, and he is also struggling with addiction.

Ruthless Season 4 Recap

Despite her own personal struggles, Ruth is determined to keep her business afloat. She is facing competition from a new rival, and she is determined to do whatever it takes to stay on top. Ruth’s ruthlessness is on full display in season four, as she does whatever it takes to get what she wants.

Season four is a gripping drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The series features strong performances from the cast, and the writing is both suspenseful and thought-provoking. If you are a fan of Tyler Perry’s work, then you will not want to miss Ruthless season four.

When Will Ruthless Season 5 Be Available?

As of February 2024, there is no official release date for Tyler Perry’s Ruthless Season 5, and the series has not yet been officially renewed for another season. Typically, BET Plus projects, including those by Tyler Perry, receive renewal announcements close to the release of the respective season. The previous seasons of Ruthless followed a pattern of being split into two parts, with releases in the spring and winter of the same calendar year.

Season 4 Part 2, however, deviated from this pattern, premiering on February 1, 2024, potentially due to the 2023 Hollywood strikes. If the past release pattern is maintained, Season 5 Part 1 might debut around June 2024. Concrete information regarding Season 5 is expected after the conclusion of Season 4.

Ruthless Season 5: Release Date

It is essential to stay tuned for updates, as the official announcement of Season 5 and its release date is subject to future developments. ComingSoon will provide information as soon as it becomes available.

Cast of Ruthless Season 5

For the fifth season of the much anticipated show, the main cast is expected to return.

Cast of Ruthless Season 5

This comprises:

  • Melissa L. Williams as Ruth Truesdale
  • Matt Cedeño as Mayor Ramsey Sinclair
  • Lenny Thomas as Deacon James Morris
  • Yvonne Senat Jones as Tina Morris
  • Jaime M. Callica as Jayson Waters
  • Nirine S. Brown as Sarah Williams
  • Blue Kimble as Mac Morris

Plot of Ruthless Season 5

The fifth season of Ruthless’s plot is yet unknown. But given what transpired in the previous season, we should anticipate Ruth fighting to keep her family and her kingdom safe.

Plot of Ruthless Season 5

While Mayor Ramsey Sinclair continues to establish his authority in Memphis, we should also anticipate seeing more of the Sinclair family.

Naturally, more of the drama, mystery, and treachery that have made Ruthless such a beloved program should be on the horizon.

Where Can I Watch Season 5 of Ruthless?

You can watch Ruthless on Amazon Prime Video and BET+.


One of the most watched and well-regarded dramas on television is Ruthless. The sitcom is renowned for its unwavering depiction of the African-American experience, varied cast, and strong female roles.

The fifth season of the show, which is scheduled to debut in early 2024, is much anticipated by fans. Ruth will face more difficulties and barriers in the upcoming season as she fights to defend her family and her kingdom.

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