The Netflix supernatural horror comedy “We Got A Ghost” premiered on the streaming service on February 24, 2023. The film’s release on the OTT service was met with overwhelming fanfare and interest.

Viewers are giving the film a positive reception despite generally negative reviews from reviewers. The cast of “We Have A Ghost” gained a lot of attention when the film was released.

One of the stars of the film, Erica Ash, is a major topic of conversation among fans. It has nothing to do with her acting ability but more with rumors that have circulated about her. Erica Ash’s weight loss, alleged illness, and other health-related rumors.

Now, before we get into the specifics of her health updates and the speculation surrounding her purported weight reduction, I’d like to share some background information about Erica Ash’s life that you might not already know.

Who Is Erica Ash Aka Melanie Presley of ‘We Have a Ghost’?

Erica Ash Illness

Erica Ash was born on September 19, 1977, in Florida to Military personnel parents. She graduated with a degree in pre-medicine from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia since she had always known from a young age that she wanted to spend her life helping people as a doctor.

However, her outlook shifted after visiting Japan. On her Japan trip, Erica performed some backing singing and modeling and after that, she made up her mind to do anything in the entertainment sector.

After that, she appeared on other television shows, including The Big Gay Sketch Show, MADTV, etc. She also played many roles in other movies including America Judy, Scary Movie 5, Sisiter Code, etc.

Weight Loss by Erica Ash

Weight Loss by Erica Ash

Has Erica Ash been dieting? To sum it up, just say one word. YES! Sure enough, Erica Ash has shrunk a bit. Based on our findings, Erica may have lost weight. We can see the drastic change in her physical appearance between the two sets of photos. There has been a noticeable change in Erica’s weight since we last saw her.

For some time now, Erica has been updating her Instagram with images of her workouts. Those who noticed her thin avatar in “We Have a Ghost” were curious about her health, but those who follow her social media accounts regularly already knew that she had become in shape.

If you’ve heard rumors that Erica Ash’s recent weight reduction is the result of an illness, we’d want to set the record straight: she’s perfectly healthy. Her healthy habits have led to her dramatic weight loss. Consistent physical activity and a balanced diet.

If you still have concerns about Erica Ash’s health, we’d be happy to elaborate.

Is Erica Ash Ill? Her Health Update in 2023

Is Erica Ash Ill? Her Health Update in 2023

Erica Ash is in excellent health and condition. She has no illness. Her weight loss is rather the result of her new, healthier habits. Erica gives a lot of thought to what she puts into her body.

She is perfectly well, despite the rumors to the contrary that have spread due to her recent change in look. In 2023, after the release of her Netflix movie, people noticed that she has lost weight and looked healthier than they have in years.

She maintains her health and weight by adhering to this program.

Healthy Habits of Erica Ash

Erica Ash is devoted to sticking to her regular exercise and healthy eating habits. This is her routine, as she described it in a video posted to YouTube.

  • After waking up at her usual time of 7:00 AM, Erica begins her day with prayer, meditation, and yoga. Because of how much energy this routine consumes in the morning, she rewards herself with a large glass of healthy vegetable juice before continuing with the rest of her day. The purifying effects of the vegetable juice aid her cleansing efforts.
  • We threw together a smoothie and a small meal for lunch, and that’s about all we ate.
  • Erica Ash enjoys a light dinner of curry chicken, carrot soup, and a smoothie most nights.

Erica Ash’s Weight Loss Before and After

Erica Ash's Weight Loss Before and After

A picture is worth a thousand words. Using pictures, little words are needed to convey the message. Several photos documenting Erica Ash’s effort to slim down are presented here. The photos here show Erica Ash once her makeover is complete.


Erica Ash, known for her role in “We Have a Ghost,” has gained attention for her weight loss and rumors about her health.

However, she maintains that her healthy habits, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, have led to her transformation. Erica is in good health and enjoys sticking to her routine to maintain her physical and mental well-being.

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