American reality television celebrity June Edith “Mama June” Shannon is the head of the Shannon family and is also known as June Edith.

Since people have been following her throughout the years, Mama June Shannon has undergone a total makeover. From her early appearances on Toddlers & Tiaras with her daughter Alana “Honey Boo Boo”

Thompson to her most recent performances on Family Crisis and the upcoming series Road To Redemption, Mama June has been through a lot. Today, we’re taking a look back at Mama June’s development and voyage.

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The Transformation of Mama “June Shannon”

The head of the Shannon family is June Shannon, a.k.a. “Mama June.” Of her four daughters, Anna, Jessica, Lauryn, and Alana are four of them.

Her family gained notoriety when Alana, her youngest daughter, made her television debut on the TLC program Toddlers & Tiaras in 2009. The couple’s personalities really came through on the show, especially Alana’s quotable “Honey Boo Boo baby” moment.

In 2012, the network gave the mother-daughter team from the pageant show series their own show, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, as a result of their growing popularity.

Before And After Mama June

The much-discussed show introduced viewers to Mama June’s family and daily life, but it was discontinued once it came to light that she was dating a registered sexual offender. Since then, the family has been the subject of several controversies and disputes.

Mama june before and after

June is currently the lead of the WE television spinoff Mama June: Road to Redemption. Mama June: From Not to Hot, which debuted its first season in 2017, is currently in its fifth season.

At the conclusion of season four, June and her boyfriend Eugene Edward “Geno,” Doak visited a recovery facility together. In the fifth season, June will be followed as she works on her recovery and tries to patch things up with her estranged daughters.

She Underwent Weight Loss Surgery:

According to a March 2016 New York Daily News article, Mama June opted to get weight loss surgery because her normal dieting made her dizzy and put her in danger of additional health issues. Mama June apparently planned to shed another 80 or so pounds to reach her ideal weight after losing 90 pounds.

While not explicitly treating Mama June, Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding informed the newspaper that the reality star’s gastric sleeve operation differs slightly from conventional gastric bypass surgery.

Mama june before and after

“In contrast to gastric bypass, which joins the small intestine directly to the top of the stomach, your digestive tract remains entirely intact despite the horrifying sounding amputation of 80% of your stomach. Comparable to switching from bellbottom to thin pants is the gastric sleeve.”

Mama June will still have work to do following her operation, so don’t think she’s seeking a quick fix. Following the treatment, she will follow a liquid diet for several months, says Dr. Ren-Fielding “After that, [Mama June] is still responsible for continuing her healthy lifestyle.

People must still maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen if they want to lose weight. But consider how much simpler exercising will be once you’ve lost the first 80 pounds.”

Mama June also received some assistance in losing weight from a specific location; after drastically reducing her weight by 150 pounds, she underwent a “cool sculpting” surgery to get rid of her double chin.

She Underwent Plastic Surgery:

Entertainment Tonight was informed by Pumpkin “She started to lose a lot of weight, and her tummy started to look disgusting. She had the skin on her stomach removed since it was protruding from her stomach, where she had dropped so much weight, as well as her arms and chin.”

Pumpkin also disclosed that Mama June underwent breast augmentation surgery, albeit her language was unclear. She remarked, “She got her boobies done. She changed from a 44 to a 36 up. It’s unclear exactly what she meant when she said that Mama June’s band size decreased from 44 to 36 thanks to weight loss and a breast lift.

She Got Motivated:

Mama June acknowledged that she needed a strong motive to commit to working toward weight loss, and her motivations extended beyond health: She desired retaliation! Mama June made the decision to get her act together and improve her physical condition when she learned that her ex, Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson, was getting married and wanted her to attend.

She did this in order to find a “hot date” to bring to the wedding. Her lifelong platonic friend “Big Mike,” however, counseled her that she needed to change for herself and not to avenge her ex.

However, Mama June also wanted to find a new guy to love, and a disastrous Tinder date with a jerk named Jeff sealed the deal for her to get in shape and make herself a catch. Mama June didn’t just want to make Sugar Bear regret cheating on her in the past.

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She Regained Her Confidence:

Pumpkin and Alana both mentioned how Mama June’s confidence was impacted by her new appearance. She still perceives herself as a larger individual, according to Pumpkin, who spoke to Entertainment Tonight.

“I think that her biggest thing [she] has to] overcome is that fact,” Pumpkin said. “Like, a couple of days ago we had a conversation, and… she looked in the mirror and was like, “I’m still fat.” And I suppose she doesn’t recognize how small she is since she has always considered herself a greater person.

We’re having to modify her mind even more so since she has curves now, she looks amazing. That’s what she’s used to doing, and when you’re a bigger person, that’s how you cover all of that – through wearing bigger clothes.

According to Pumpkin, it’s starting to work, possibly too well. “She’ll go around the house with a pair of underwear,” I said, “not trying to be all R-rated or anything,” said Pumpkin. “June, put your pants on, put your pants on,” I said.

Salary and Assets of Mama June in 2022

In 2022, it is anticipated that Mama June’s net worth will be $1.5 million. Mama June maximizes her earnings by participating in reality television. Every episode of TLC gave $50,000 to Mama June’s family.

Mama June makes investments in her children’s trust funds. These will mature when her progeny is 21 years old.

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