When Christmas gets close, do you go under the mistletoe? Do you grab your partner by the hand and give them a kiss to show them you’re there for them? Do you ever wish that the mistletoe was always there to remind you of all the things you love?

I sure do. I want a little bit of Christmas that will keep me going all year. My love, too. What do you think?

We can’t give you mistletoe, but we can say nice things to each other. With the Holidays coming up, it’s good and healthy to look for quotes that give us hope and help our relationships grow. Read on for some great Christmas quotes for couples that will fill your heart with joy, love, and inspiration.

Some of these Christmas Quotes for married people may make you want to grab your partner and give them a passionate kiss.

Alternatively, several Christmas quotes for married couples may provide subtle inspiration as you enter the holiday season. Read these and use Christmas to get closer to your friends and family.

Keep these Christmas Couple Quotes or Christmas quotes about relationships close to your heart this holiday season, and give them to your loved one as signs of your love and commitment.

Also, put these important and inspiring Christmas quotes into action by doing things that strengthen your important relationships and partnerships. Friends, the world already has too much bad news. Let’s find ways to hang the mistletoe and spread holiday cheer all year long.

40 Christmas Quotes To Keep Your Partnership Safe

Best Christmas Quotes To Keep Your Partnership Safe And Strong

Looking for the most romantic Christmas Quotes for married people? Then we have 40 cute, funny, and sweet Christmas quotes about couples that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy about the holidays.

`1. “Look around you; the season of Christmas is the most romantic season of all. I want to cuddle with you in one blanket, sit in front of the fire furnace, watch the Christmas tree and listen to Christmas carols all day long. Merry Christmas to you, my love.” – Author Unknown

2. “Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide-open heart that thinks of others first. The birth of the baby Jesus is the most significant event in all history because it has meant the pouring into a sick world of the healing medicine of love, which has transformed all hearts for almost two thousand years. Underneath all the bulging bundles is this beating Christmas heart.” – George Mathew Adams

3. “Very gay they were with snow and sleigh-bells, holly-boughs, and garlands, below, and Christmas sunshine in the winter sky above. All faces shone, all voices had a cheery ring, and everybody stepped briskly on errands of goodwill.” – Louisa May Alcott 

4. “I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come around, as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable time; the only time I know of in the long calendar of the year when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely and to think of people below them as if they were fellow passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys.“ – Charles Dickens

5. “I sometimes think we expect too much of Christmas Day. We try to crowd into it the long arrears of kindliness and humanity of the whole year. As for me, I like to take my Christmas a little at a time, all through the year. And thus I drift along into the holidays — let them overtake me unexpectedly — waking up some fine morning and suddenly saying to myself: “Why this is Christmas Day!” – David Grayson

6. “It is the one season of the year when we can lay aside all gnawing worry, indulge in sentiment without censure, assume the carefree faith of childhood, and just “have fun.” Whether they call it Yuletide, Noel, Weihnachten, or Christmas, people around the earth thirst for its refreshment as the desert traveler for the oasis.” – D.D.Monroe

7. “When Christmas bells are swinging above the fields of snow, we hear sweet voices ringing from lands of long ago, and etched on vacant places are half-forgotten faces of friends we used to cherish and loves we used to know.” – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

8. “Let Christmas not become a thing Merely of merchant’s trafficking, Of tinsel, bell, and holly wreath

And surface pleasure, but beneath

The childish glamor, let us find

Nourishment for soul and mind.

Let us follow kinder ways 

Through our teeming human maze,

And help the age of peace to come

From a Dreamer’s martyrdom.” – Madeline Morse

9. “Christmas — that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting or prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance — a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.” – Augusta E. Rundel

10. “Instead of being a time of unusual behavior, Christmas is perhaps the only time in the year when people can obey their natural impulses and express their true sentiments without feeling self-conscious and, perhaps, foolish. Christmas, in short, is about the only chance a person has to be himself.” – Francis C. Farley

Best Christmas Quotes To Keep Your Partnership Safe And Strong

11. “Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we’re here for something else besides ourselves.” -Eric Sevareid

12. “Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas time.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder

13. “He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. Maybe Christmas, he thought… doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps… means a little bit more!“ – The Grinch

14. “Holidays are joyful; there’s always something new. But every day’s a holiday when I’m near to you.” – The Carpenters

15. “He loves me. Inside his head, his every thought and reaction was born of love, love inside and out, crazy, irrational (and sure, a bit lustful) love. He loves me, and that’s also what terrified him when he saw me all lit up like a Christmas tree. He doesn’t know what I am, but he loves me.” ― Cynthia Hand

16. “Guys like me look for reasons. We look for explanations. I’ve been trying for hours to make sense of this, and I only know two things. When it comes to you and Santa Claus, ‘sense’ doesn’t work. And I love you.” ― Sierra Donovan

17. “Would you mind bringing me along? Take me in your arms as tightly as the moonlight illuminates the sky. Christmas is a time to say ‘I love you,’ and the feeling lasts throughout the year.“

18. “This wonderful season of Christmas will be an opportunity to make our relationship stronger. It will fill your life with the sweet touch of my love as you fill mine with yours. I promise to do everything it takes to always make you happy, my darling. Merry Christmas!“

19. “But for now, let me just say. Without hope or agenda. Just because it’s Christmas. And at Christmas, you tell the truth. To me, you are perfect.” – Love Actually

20. “Merry Christmas to the love of my life! Nothing seems more magical than being with you every day!“

Best Christmas Quotes To Keep Your Partnership Safe And Strong

Do you like these quotes about love on Christmas Eve so far? So, here are some more Christmas love quotes for your boyfriend or girlfriend. Here are some more adorable Christmas quotes.

21. “I’ve started to appreciate holidays like Christmas. Do you want to know why? It’s because I have you, and that’s worth celebrating.“

22. “I appreciate all these presents, my love. But you know what? I already have you. That, for me, is the best present ever. I love you and Merry Christmas.“

23. “If I didn’t meet you, I would never know the real happiness of the Christmas season. Thanks for being such a loving one. Happy Christmas and New Year, Sweetheart!“

24. “Distance means nothing when my heart beats for you every moment of every day. Merry Christmas, my love. I wish you could be here in my arms!“

25. “Love is such a wonderful feeling. Waking up on a Christmas morning with the one you love makes it even more exciting. Baby, thank you for being such an angel in my life. I love you so much. Merry Christmas.“

26. “We are, indeed, falling in love at this time of year. The most valuable gift you can give me is your heart. We’ll be together for the rest of our lives. Your Christmas love will keep me warm.“

27. “Christmas is the day to tell your loved ones what they mean to you. How could I miss this opportunity to pass all my love to the most loved? Have a Merry Christmas.“

28. “The greatest gift I have been given this year is the presence of you, a loving partner. Happy Christmas.“

29. “Merry Christmas, my love. You are the best thing that has happened in my life.“

30. “Christmas has a way of making sure you don’t take life’s simple things for granted. I have you, and you’re everything I need in one.“

Best Christmas Quotes To Keep Your Partnership Safe And Strong

31. “Nobody is as selfless and affectionate as you are, so if I fall short in showing just how grateful I am, I’ll show you in words, deeds, and gifts this Christmas. You are definitely on the good list!“

32. “Have a magical Christmas, sweetheart. You’re the only person I know who can do as much as you do; you are truly magical.“

33. “Having you in my life makes every holiday season a fairytale. You make Christmas so much more magical, and for that, thank you.“

34. “You fulfilled my Christmas wishes when you walked into my life. Merry Christmas.“

35. “I have waited forever to wear the same reindeer pajamas with someone. Let’s make our first Christmas the most epic one ever.“

36. “Christmas season will never be the same for me again. I will always have you. To me, that is the sweetest gift I can get.“

37. “Mariah Carey will make so much money off me this year and every other year because all I want for Christmas is you.“

38. “If Santa asks me to write the qualities of a perfect partner, I will write your name because you are everything I want in a partner.“

39. “We go together like the red and white colors on Santa’s suit. Come to think of it; we’d make a perfect Santa and Mrs. Claus.“

40. “January taught me that you’re number one

February showed me how to love and care for you

March was the month of learning and growing together

April was the month to admire you

May show that you’ll be the love of my life forever

June gave us good core memories

July will always be a month of joy

August brought about new beginnings

September’s weather granted us our evening walks

October was our freaky month

In November, I thanked God for you

December is here and I’m tying it together in a Merry Christmas message.”

Best Christmas Quotes To Keep Your Partnership Safe And Strong

Commonly Asked Questions

We also want to know the different messages for this holiday season, in addition to all these Christmas love quotes. Love-filled messages that will make your special someone blush go well with romantic Christmas quotes.

What Are Christmas Spirit Quotes?

It’s nice to have Christmas love quotes for them, but we also need to know the different Merry Christmas love wishes and the spirit of the season.

When we talk about the “Spirit” of the season, we don’t mean buying gifts, getting bonuses, or having feasts. We want to share what the holidays are all about, which is giving, loving, and being kind to everyone.

“Decorate your holiday home with people that sparkle, not things that shine.” – Toni Sorenson

“I don’t think Christmas is necessarily about things. It’s about being nice and to honor one another.” – Zane Baker

“Christmas is a magical moment of glory; the birth of humanity.” – Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann, 24 Days Until Christmas: 24 Christmas Poems

What is The Best Christmas Message?

Christmas quotes for couples can help you feel closer to each other, but we should all remember that the best thing we could say this holiday season is that God loves us.

So, along with Christmas quotes to keep your relationship, add the best Christmas message to show your partner how much you appreciate their love, effort, and sacrifices.

Don’t forget to tell this person how much you appreciate having them as your partner and, if you can, how they’ve changed your life for the better.

Did you know that this is also the kind of exercise that a relationship therapist would teach you? Appreciation makes all relationships better.

A licensed marriage and family therapist named Emma McAdam talks about how important it is to be thankful. Here, she talks about how gratitude can heal.

What is The Most Important Message Of Christmas?

Friends, what gives you the most motivation in these important weeks leading up to December 25? Are you “in it” for the gifts, parties, and all the bells and whistles? Or could there be more?

Do you start the holiday season with a new song in your heart and a smile on your face? Are you ready to love your partner with all that Christmas has to offer?

Christmas quotes for couples who are getting married or who have just met are all about love.

It’s when a couple who loves Christmas quotes helps a person in love come up with a meaningful message for their partner for Christmas.

The most important part of a message is how it shows love, appreciation, respect, and loyalty. Then, friends, keep these quotes in your hearts.

Love intensely. Have faith in each other.

Final Thoughts

If you like Christmas quotes, you’ll find a lot of ideas here. The best part is that you can change the words to make each one unique and full of love.

Don’t be afraid to send a letter, send a daily quote, or say it out loud. Because that’s the point of Christmas, right? Love.

Read more relationship quotes about Christmas or just relationship quotes to make your relationship better.

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