In the third episode of the TV drama Kimi no Hana ni Naru aired on 1st November, The voice actor of Eren Yeager in “Atack on Titan,” Yuki Kaji made a surprising entry as Toshi-Kun who is the boyfriend of Kenji Soegi, portrayed by Mamoru Miyano, who is the VA of Light Yagami in “Death Note” series.

The first episode of the Japanese Drama Series Kimi no Hana ni Naru was aired on October 18, 2022, and with its debut episode, the series became so popular that it has been renewed for a second season.

What Happened in The Third Episode of Kimi No Hana Ni Naru?

Voice Actors Yuki Kaji and Mamoru Miyano Will Feature as Dating Couples In Kimi No Hana Ni Naru

During the third episode of Kimi no Hana ni Naru, Kosaka (Yuki Uchida), who has been recently appointed as chief manager of 8LOOM influenced the group by announcing that “8LOOM does not need a matron in order to grow!”

Due to the 8LOOM gang’s overreliance on Asuka, Kosaka guided the members to be more independent and stick to their daily routine, as a result, they are trying to keep hold of their nerves and complete the tasks. After that, they are given the opportunity to visit the dormitory for a TV interview; however, the night before the interview, it is found that they had only cleaned what Kosaka could see.

Kenji asks his civil servant boyfriend Toshi-Kun, who enjoys cleaning and tidying, to help them. Now, Kaji will return in the fourth and final episode, which is going to premiere on November 8th.

Checkout the 8LOOM’s “Kimi no Hana ni Naru” official music video below:

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