Below is the complete solution for the crossword puzzle for August 24, 2023. Here we’ll help you all to solve the given puzzles easily with a moderate difficulty level. Wherever you get stuck you are always allowed to know more with the help of the given hints and find the correct possible answer. If you want to challenge your brain, then you should definitely try solving these puzzles which are published every day on our website.


On point APT
Lots and lots SCADS
Cubist Picasso PABLO
She/___ HER
Something to live by TENET
Baseball’s all-time R.B.I. leader AARON
“It’s super-cozy, and a breeze to clean!” STUDIOAPARTMENT
Site for sponges REEF
Advertiser of the Year award, e.g. CLIO
Shakespearean schemer IAGO
“You can cancel that gym membership!” FIVEFLOORWALKUP
Mild yellow cheese EDAM
No one in particular ANY
Tiny “tiny”? LIL
Says yes silently
Painter’s coat GESSO
Sch. with the mascot Mike the Tiger LSU
Simile’s center ASA
Tuba sound PAH
Jon M. ___, director of “Crazy Rich Asians” CHU
Winning AHEAD
Discretion TACT
Cereal staple OAT
Word on Italian street signs VIA
Exist ARE
“Practical” thing JOKE
“The space has endless possibilities!” MAJORFIXERUPPER
Eclipse, to some OMEN
Undecided TORN
Onetime “divorce capital” of the U.S. RENO
Source of the euphemisms found in the clues for 17-, 23- and 48-Across REALESTATEAGENT
Like the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars INNER
In the slightest ATALL
___ engr. CIV
Indian tea region ASSAM
Gold stds. KTS


Sounds of relief AHS
Place for cultural studies? PETRIDISH
Fair market price, say TRUEVALUE
Not flexible STIFF
Top of the ladder, in brief CEO
1997 horror film with the tagline “When you can’t breathe, you can’t scream” ANACONDA
Moves into position, as troops DEPLOYS
A step up, perhaps STAIR
Comforting gesture PAT
Creator of Christopher Robin AAMILNE
Take ten BREAK
Usual beginning? LONGU
Winning ONTOP
Consider DEEM
Noisy squabbles ROWS
Only landlocked country in Southeast Asia LAOS
You can’t get lower than this NADIR
Low-cut T-shirt feature SCOOPNECK
Seal the deal SHAKEONIT
Like the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune OUTER
Big name in laptops ACER
“Anne of Green Gables” town AVONLEA
Something usually found in brackets TAXRATE
P.M. times AFTS
Form of attachment? JPEG
Where Gandalf declares “You shall not pass!” MORIA
Cries of agreement AMENS
Clothes that may come ripped JEANS
Little bits IOTAS
Eurasian range URALS
“Uhh …” ERM
Plumber’s joint ELL
Array in an electronics store TVS

Clues are given in order to help you all solve the given crossword puzzles easily in a very short amount of time. Do make sure to give it a try and challenge yourself as these puzzles are really fun to solve which will create a kind of brainstorming session for you. The hints are there to help you and the difficulty level is moderate so you don’t need to worry. Bookmark our website for more such crossword puzzles which are published every day along with solutions.

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