The stages of progressive activism are three in number. The initial is, “That never occurs, bigots!” The second is: You are making a biased argument with an isolated outlier! And the third argument is a combination of the Law of Merited Impossibility — it won’t happen, and if it does, you bigots deserve it — and a complete forgetting of everything previously stated. Inconvenient to the present narrative, events simply did not occur.

A recent confrontation at the Wi Spa in Koreatown, Los Angeles, belongs to the final group. Several viral videos of an irate Hispanic woman confronting spa personnel went viral in June, as some of you may recall.

A man had entered the female side of the spa, and she questioned why it was acceptable for him to display his penis in front of other women, young girls, and minors. “Is that your position?”

The employee affirmed that this was the case under California law. When an employee (and one awake male client) sought to educate the woman, she lost her rage and exclaimed, “I see a dickhead!” It indicates that he is a man! He is male! He is not a woman.

wi spa controversy

He’s not a woman… So Wi Spa agrees that males who simply claim to be women may enter the women’s section with their penis? “Is that your position?” She looked at the awakened customer with contempt. It must be difficult to not be a real man.

Trans activists and their friends in the mainstream media immediately identified these videos as problematic. A Hispanic lady saying the truth with such directness required neutralization, and the media soon reported on her alleged racism. This “transgender woman” had been victimized, and the one who had objected to “her” presence needed to be informed.

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In an editorial, the Los Angeles Times surpassed itself by recognizing that while trans rights are gaining support in many areas, the recognition of basic rights for one group can sometimes lead to conflicts with other marginalized or disempowered groups. Consequently, there was only one acceptable response to this woman’s complaint:

“There is no doubt that Wi Spa did the right thing in defending the right of a transgender customer to be naked in the women’s area, even though the sight of male-appearing genitalia disturbed at least one female customer, who complained at the front desk.”

Male-appearing genitalia. This is how one of the most prestigious publications in the United States refers to a penis. This is the height of gaslighting.

wi spa controversy

I sincerely hope that the LA Times will issue an apology. The LAPD has accused the transgender individual, identified as Darren Agee Merager, of four felonies for indecent exposure. He insists, of course, that this is “transgender harassment,” but new evidence suggests that it is the media that needs reeducation, not the clear-eyed woman they condescendingly accused of “transphobia.”

The New York Post reported that 52-year-old Merager “is a tier-one registered sex offender” with a lengthy criminal record. (Tier One mandates a ten-year registration period for offenders) A warrant has been issued for Merager’s arrest in Los Angeles County, but the police have provided few details beyond saying that an investigation is “ongoing.” The manager had previously asserted that the complainant, who used the alias “Cubana Angel,” was spreading “a lot of crap and lies.”

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The manager, who was previously sentenced in 2008 for failing to register as a sex offender and has been convicted at least twice of indecent exposure in the past, in 2002 and 2003, appears to be the source of the garbage and lies.

According to the New York Post, Merager is also “standing six felony counts of indecent exposure after a different locker room incident in December 2018” in which he is accused of exposing himself to ladies and children in a West Hollywood Park pool changing area.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department asserts categorically, “Merager purports to be female in order to access women’s locker rooms and showers.” We were informed that this just could not occur.

wi spa controversy

Obviously, Manager’s response is predictable: He is seeking the support of pro-trans California legislators such as Scott Wiener, who has made a career out of LGBT issues.

What will media outlets do now? Will the Los Angeles Times write an editorial recognizing that “Cubana Angel” may have had a point when she decided to trust transgender propaganda and point out that the “male-appearing genitalia” was a penis and the women and young girls in the spa were victims of indecent exposure?

Will they acknowledge that every normal person understands that admitting biological guys with male genitalia into female-only settings (formerly the storyline of porn and university comedies) guarantees that this type of abuse will occur? Will the media recognize the significance of female-only spaces for the safety of women?

Of course not. This story, in which “transphobes” were once again proven correct in every detail, will be forgotten. Women and young girls are collateral damage, and the odd appearance of a serial sex offender in a spa’s female locker room is the price of progress.

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