It’s safe to say that Olivia Culpo is relieved after her sister Sophia was hit by a refrigerator!

On Tuesday, the 30-year-old model said that she and her sister-in-law, Katie, were able to save Olivia’s 25-year-old sister from being crushed by a fridge.

Last night, Olivia Culpo‘s refrigerator crashed on Sophie, and she posted a picture of it on her Instagram story.

Olivia Culpo's 'Crazy Day' Rescues Her Sister from A Falling Refrigerator

“Unfortunately, Katie and I were able to run over and hold it up while it was still mid-air because I was too scared to post it. But if you saw at her tales, you can see that she’s fine. The day was crazy.”

Food poured everywhere, including milk, eggs, mayo, and turkey deli meat. Thanks to a few fast thinking, it doesn’t appear that anyone was seriously hurt.

But at what price are they assisting their parents to move into a new home?

As Olivia said, “Not going to miss this part of a new move.” It’s important to remember to secure all appliances and not to rely on your 60+-year-old parents for small matters like this.

Olivia Culpo's 'Crazy Day' Rescues Her Sister from A Falling Refrigerator

A warning sign on the fridge that portrays a stick figure on the edge of being crushed by a falling fridge was also posted on Sophia’s Instagram Stories later.

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