As fans eagerly await the next installment of the captivating anime series “Metallic Rouge,” the anticipation is reaching its peak. Produced by the renowned Japanese animation studio, Bones, the series has garnered attention for its unique storyline following agents Naomi and Rouge as they strive to thwart nine formidable beings threatening their organization.

In this article, we delve into everything you need to know about the release of Episode 8, from the date and time to a brief recap of the preceding episode.

Metallic Rouge Episode 8 Release Date and Time

The highly anticipated Episode 8 of Metallic Rouge Season 1 is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, 28th February. Fans can expect the episode to be available at approximately 11 am (GMT), 3 am (PT), and 8 am (CT). However, the release time is subject to the platform’s upload speed, so viewers should be ready for the episode to drop around these times.

metallic rouge season 1 episode 8 release date

Building on the format of the previous episodes, which saw simultaneous releases of the English Dub alongside the original Japanese Dub, it is reasonable to assume that Episode 8 will follow a similar pattern. This ensures a broader audience can enjoy the series in their preferred language.

Season Length Speculation

While an official announcement regarding the total number of episodes in Metallic Rouge Season 1 is yet to be made, speculation suggests it might consist of around 13 episodes. If this assumption holds, viewers can anticipate a weekly release format, leaving six more episodes after the upcoming eighth chapter.

Trailer Preview

For those craving a sneak peek into what awaits in Episode 8, a trailer for Metallic Rouge Season 1 is available. Trailers often offer glimpses of key moments, character developments, and the overall tone of the upcoming episode, building excitement and speculation among the fanbase.

Recap of Episode 7

To prepare for Episode 8, let’s briefly recap the events of Episode 7. The episode delved into crucial plot points, including discussions between Jean and Naomi about Jean’s termination, the Puppetmaster’s connection to Jean and Rouge, and Rouge’s impending punishment. Additionally, the narrative explored Ash’s discontent after being removed from the Roy Junghardt case and his determination to interrogate Rouge.

metallic rouge season 1 episode 8 release date

A significant turn of events involved Jill rescuing Rouge from captivity and revealing plans for Nean freedom. The episode featured confrontations, escapes, and a revelation of Jill’s true identity as Sylvia, a member of the Immortal Nine. The introduction of another Immortal Nine member named Arcos added further complexity to the unfolding story.

What to Expect in Episode 8

As fans brace themselves for the release of Episode 8, titled “Unveiling the Next Chapter,” various unresolved storylines promise to unravel.

metallic rouge season 1 episode 8 release date

With characters like Ash and Noid confronting Arcos and Rouge and the ongoing tension between the Immortal Nine members, the upcoming episode holds the potential for intense confrontations and further revelations.

Where to Watch Metallic Rouge Season 1

Before diving into the details of the upcoming episode, it’s crucial to know where you can catch the action. Metallic Rouge Season 1 is currently airing in Japan on the Fuji TV+ Ultra programming block. For international audiences, the series is available for streaming on Crunchyroll, with English subtitles, outside of Asian territories.


As “Metallic Rouge” continues to captivate anime enthusiasts with its intricate plot, dynamic characters, and suspenseful narrative, the release of Episode 8 marks a significant moment for fans.

With the release date, time, and a glimpse into the events of the previous episode covered in this article, viewers can now eagerly await the next chapter in this thrilling anime original series.

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