Converter PDF to Word Online Free What are there? PDF is a document format that is easy to save, circulate, and print, but it does not use editing, so we often use online editors to convert, this article shares two free The method of PDF to Word must be helpful to you.


PDF2DOC is an online website that focuses on providing PDF to DOC services. This free online conversion software can save PDF documents to editable documents in Microsoft Word DOC format , which can provide better quality than many other conversion software. Apart from that, this online conversion tool supports 16 languages.

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Operation method:

The first step, click “UPLOAD FILES”, or drag the PDF file to be converted into the area.

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The second step is to wait for the system to complete the conversion, and then select “DOWNLOAD ALL” to save the converted Word file to the specified path to complete all operations.


Click the Upload Files button and select up to 20 PDF files to convert. Wait for the conversion process to complete.

Download the results file by file, or click the “Download All” button to save them all at once in a ZIP archive.

AbcdPDF – PDF to Word

PDF to Word is an online conversion tool on the AbcdPDF platform. Compared with most products and online conversion websites on the market, Convert PDF to Word has more advantages.

Due to the special structure of PDF, most of the current conversion tools cannot achieve an accuracy of more than 70% in terms of restoration. However, PDF to Word can achieve an accuracy rate of about 80%, which is why it is mainly recommended. The second is its speed. Using AbcdPDF’s PDF to Word does not require complicated login operations. You can directly upload files and wait for the platform server to perform conversion processing. Medium and small files can be converted in just a few seconds.


Step 1: Visit the AbcdPDF.COM platform website.

Step 2: Select the PDF to Word tool.

Step 3: Select the PDF file to be converted.

Step 4: After the conversion is complete, download it locally.

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PDF to Word Converter Online Free What are there? The above two online converters, PDF2DOC and Abcd PDF to Word, are shared for you. The advantages of the two are that they are easy to operate and have high accuracy. Users’ PDF problems, so they all support multiple languages and are completely free. Save them to your browser for a rainy day.


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