The ‘RRR production team, led by director SS Rajamouli, has run into legal difficulty just days after announcing the film’s delay. By filing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Telangana High Court, West Godavari district student Alluri Soumya asked the court to prevent the distribution of the film ‘Roudram Ranam and Rudiram’ (RRR) by refusing to award a Censor Certificate. reports that the complainant claimed the filmmakers slandered the real-life heroes and followers of Alluri Sita Ramaraju (played by Ram Charan) and Komaram Bheem (played by Jr NTR) by distorting their stories.

The filmmaker, in the eyes of the complainant, is ruining the legacy of independence heroes like Alluri Sita Ramaraju and Komaram Bheem, the person who filed the complaint.

She pleaded for the release of ‘RRR’ to be delayed and for the film to be denied a censor certificate because it was directed by SS Rajamouli. Justices Ujjal Bhuyan and Venkateswara Reddy presided over the case.

'RRR' Legal Woes: PIL Filed for Delay And Denial Of Censor Certificate

The movie was scheduled to open in theaters on January 7. Due to widespread concerns about Omicron and Coronavirus, the film’s distribution was delayed.

They are all devastated, but Rajamouli more so than the rest, the National Herald reports. Several delays have preceded the announcement of the new release date. Everyone on set was working tirelessly to get the word out about the picture, convinced that nothing could now block the release. ‘RRR’ is reportedly still under development, but the crew is seriously considering alternative release alternatives.

“RRR” is SS Rajamouli’s period action drama in Telugu. As supporting cast members, you’ll find NT Rama Rao Jr., Ram Charan, Ajay Devgn, Alia Bhatt, Olivia Morris, Samuthirakani, Alison Doody, Ray Stevenson, and Shriya Saran. Bollywood actors Bhatt and Devgn are making their first foray into Tollywood with this flick.

The group made an appearance on “The Kapil Sharma Show” not too long ago. Bhatt mocked Jr NTR’s skinny frame by saying, “Jr NTR is a good cook, but he hasn’t cooked anything for her or the squad.”

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Rrr Filed Pil in Telangana High Court Before Release


The ‘RRR production team, led by director SS Rajamouli, has encountered legal challenges as a student filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Telangana High Court, requesting a delay in the film’s release and denial of a censor certificate.

The complainant alleged that the film distorted the stories of real-life heroes, Alluri Sita Ramaraju and Komaram Bheem. Despite the delays, the film is still under development, and the crew is exploring alternative release options. Bollywood actors Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn are making their Tollywood debut with ‘RRR’.

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