After a hiatus from Star Wars movies since the end of the sequel trilogy, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy has announced three new movies spanning 25,000 years in the franchise. This announcement was made during the Star Wars Celebration Lucasfilm Studio Panel, where details were shared on the titles, stories, returning cast members, and creative teams behind each film.

Star Wars: New Jedi Order

The first movie announced was Star Wars: New Jedi Order, set 15 years after the events of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy and written by Steven Knight, the sequel will follow Jedi Master Rey Skywalker as she rebuilds the Jedi Order after the events of the sequel trilogy. Daisy Ridley will reprise her role as Rey, marking a significant return to the franchise for the actress.

The first movie announced was Star Wars: New Jedi Order, set 15 years after the events of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

The Mandalorian Movie

The next big project announced at the Star Wars Celebration was The Mandalorian movie, which will wrap up the stories of Din Djarin and Grogu on the big screen.

The next big project announced at the Star Wars Celebration was The Mandalorian movie, which will wrap up the stories of Din Djarin and Grogu on the big screen.

Directed by Dave Filoni, the movie is a surprise for fans who expected the characters’ arcs to conclude on Disney+. Filoni, who is known as George Lucas’ apprentice, will finally have the opportunity to direct a live-action Star Wars film, showcasing his skills honed while collaborating on Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Star Wars: Dawn Of The Jedi

The final movie announcement was James Mangold’s Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi, set 25,000 years in the past. The movie will explore the origins of the Jedi Order on Ahch-To, as hinted in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

The final movie announcement was James Mangold's Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi, set 25,000 years in the past

Mangold’s film has the potential to be the greatest Star Wars spinoff yet, building on the fascinating stories in the Star Wars Legends continuity.

A Bright Cinematic Future for Star Wars

The future of the franchise on the big screen had been uncertain since the mixed reception to The Rise of Skywalker. However, these new announcements confirm that the franchise has a bright cinematic future, with a variety of exciting stories on the horizon.

Lucasfilm has learned from past mistakes and has trimmed down the number of movies to ensure each one gets the attention and resources it deserves. Fans can look forward to three new Star Wars movies set over 25,000 years, offering a diverse range of stories to moviegoers.

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