The comedic television programme Trinkets was created by Amy Andelson, Emily Meyer, and Kirsten Smith. It is made by AwesomenessTV. Odiseas Georgiadis, Kiana Madeira, Quintessa Swindell, and Brianna Hildebrand are the show’s main actors. On June 14, 2019, Trinkets made its Netflix debut. Two seasons have been released thus far. Based on 5,640 user votes, the IMDb rating for the series is now 7.1 out of 10.

The Second Season of Trinkets in Brief

Three characters from the show, Elodie Davis, Moe Truax, and Tabitha Foster, become friends during an Anonymous gathering. It was challenging to conceal their friendship in a school atmosphere due to the three individuals’ distinctive characteristics.

Elodie is introverted, Moe has a punk-inspired appearance, and Tabitha comes from a wealthy family. They establish a solid friendship after realising one other’s dirty traits.

When Will Season 3 of Trinkets Premiere?

Trinkets Season 3 Release Date

Trinkets are no longer available on Netflix. The second season of Trinkets will be the final one. The following season of Netflix is not currently in the works, but we can never be sure. There are no plans or dates for season three as of September 2022. However, if the show gets renewed, then there is a chance that its prequel will be released in August 2023.

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Trinkets Cast Season 3

The series, which was created by Smith, Amy Andelson, and Emily Meyer, stars three of their closest friends as the protagonists. Brianna Hildebrand plays Elodie Davis, a socially awkward and kleptomaniac teen who relocates from New Mexico to Portland, Oregon, to live with her father, his new spouse, and step-sibling after the death of her mother. She has a hard time settling into her new life with her dad, but she uses a close friendship with Moe and Tabitha to get through.

Next up is Kiana Madeira as Moe Truax, an academically gifted adolescent from a financially struggling household who also attends SA meetings. She struggles with trust and responsibility due to a missing father with a criminal record, but she is fiercely devoted to her mother and manages to form a close friendship with Elodie and Tabitha for support.

The last character is Tabitha Foster, played by Quintessa Swindell, who is likewise a kleptomaniac and comes from a wealthy household. She struggles with deciding what her identity should be to please everyone and who she needs to be to please herself, but the close relationship she has with Moe and Elodie helps her to settle.

In addition to these three, a large number of other performers also played significant roles in the series, including Brandon Butler as Brady Finch, Odiseas Georgiadis as Noah Simos, Larry Sullivan as Doug Davis, Linden Ashby as Whit Foster, and October Moore as Vicky Truax. The drama included a large number of returning actors.

Predicting the third season’s cast is pointless because the programme has already been officially cancelled and is not likely to be revived in the future.

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The Plot

Trinkets Season 3 Release Date

Although they attend the same school, the girls do not want anyone to know that they share a significant bond. Although they are not so similar, why do they share a secret? How is a girl from a very wealthy family who keeps her nose to the ceiling and the quiet and queen of the school connected?

They are kleptomaniacs, it turns out. And they claim to be doing it for their own amusement rather than out of need. They simply could not stop after that. As a result, they had to attend exclusive, anonymous classes.

However, it appears that the females will not alter their compulsions and behaviours. They pretend to feel well so they can act as a group or just exchange plundered goods with one another.

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Trailer for Season 3 of Trinkets

A programme must be renewed prior to beginning filming and production. Then, a few months after the movie’s debut, a trailer became accessible. Since Trinkers Season 3 was declared cancelled, there isn’t an official trailer for any upcoming seasons available. You can, however, see the trailer for the prior season below.

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