Here’s all you need to know about the el señor de Los cielos season 8 release date.

The countdown is finally over with the premiere of the new season of the network’s hit series El Señor de los Cielos (The Lord of the Skies). Rafael Amaya, a Mexican actor, reprises his role as Aurelio Casillas, the series’ infamous protagonist, in season 8. After returning from “death,” the main character Aurelio’s fans are curious as to what happened to him. Check out the premiere streaming details.

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Premiere date and more

The eighth season of the American telenovela “El Seor de Los Cielos,” or “Lord of the Skies,” premiered on January 17, 2023. The life of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, the former boss of the Juarez Cartel, is the inspiration for the Luis Zelkowicz’s produced series.

The cast comprises Carmen Aub as Rutila Casillas, Iván Arana as Ismael Casillas, Isabella Castillo as Diana Ahumada, and Alejandro López as Super Javi, with special appearances by Lisa Owenp, Robinson Diaz, and Salvador Pineda and is directed by Juan Carlos Valdivia, Conrado Martínez, Mauricio Meneses and Bernardo Mota.

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When and how to watch it

You might very well catch the Season 8 premiere of the series on Telemundo at 9 o’clock if you live in the US (ET). FuboTV, which offers a seven-day free trial in the United States, is yet another option for streaming it. The first episode will be a two-hour special show.

Check out the series’ trailer right here:

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