The “Jamesy Boy” is an American biographical movie based on the life of James Burns, who changed his life in prison after destroying his teenage years by getting involved in gun selling, drug use, and getting into random fights.

Trevor White started his directional debut with this crime drama based on a true story and co-wrote the screenplay with Lane Shadgett. The story was very well written and directed and clearly depicted the emotions which James Burns must have gone through.

Jamesy Boy

The film was released on January 3, 2014, and produced by Tim White, Maria Norman, Wayne Rogers, Scott Mendick, Steven P. Saeta, and Galen Walker with Star Thrower Entertainment, Synergics Films, and Gama Entertainment Partners. The real James Burns also acted as a co-producer for the film.

The White Brothers, Trevor, and Tim knew James since childhood and all the problems he faced as a young boy. Thus, the brothers wanted James to share his story as so many out there going through the same phase can get inspired and strive towards changing themselves.

Jamesy Boy’s plot

The story was all about a young teen who gets involved into selling guns and gets possessed by the drug world. He was a normal kid but this rage and anger were his biggest enemies because of which he landed up in jail many times.

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James never actually got a chance to improve as he was always into some serious fights or high most of the time and even after being in the house curfew, he never sat quietly and was always ready to either steal something from the convenience store or escape to buy drugs.

James, because of his dangerous criminal record was not given admission into the school and his mother had a very hard time trying her level best to get him into a school so that James can sober himself and actually realize what he has been and is doing to himself.

James didn’t realize anything until he went to jail and met Conrad, an old black murderer who mentored James through chess. James’ life was not easy in the jail as well but he was a bit sober this time as a lot happened with him and his inmate Chris. Conrad was James’ biggest supporter and convinced him that he should not live his life the way he has been living instead work on himself and change for a better tomorrow.

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James’ turning point was when his friend, Chris died of suicide and he felt nothing but only regret that all that happened was because of him. He started writing poems and soon got so engrossed in his own poetry that even the musical tunes would inspire him to write a poem.

James got released from prison and the first thing he did was find his girlfriend, Sarah and to his surprise she was living with her fiancé. James recited some of his poems on Sarah’s request and quietly left.

And thus the sober James continued working and saved money in an envelope labeled “New York City”.

Spencer as James Burns

James Burns played by handsome, fresh-faced newcomer, Spencer Lofranco did commendable work and people loved his acting. He understood the character very well which was it was clearly visible from his acting approach.

Ving Rhames as Conrad totally did justice to his character and made everyone believe that experience do speaks.

You must watch this 2014 release as it is quite an inspiring movie based on true instances.

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