Rosie O’Donnell has no trouble rejecting abusers, and she turned down Michael Jackson and Woody Allen.

Even though O’Donnell made scathing remarks about Allen in her HBO special, Allen apparently chased her for a part in Sweet And Lowdown.

Whatever you may think of the cancel culture, the reality is that many alleged abusers have managed to thrive in Hollywood despite being accused in the open. Even though Woody Allen may no longer be held in high regard, few people in the entertainment world rejected him in 1992 despite the same facts about his alleged wrongdoings being available at the time.

Except for Rosie O’Donnell, who burned that bridge without any remorse. She admits, “I had done an HBO show where I said everything about him,” in a recent interview with Howard Stern. I then began my performance after that. So I get a phone saying, “He wants you to be in [Sweet And Lowdown],” and it’s the first year of my show.

I requested that you send him my HBO special. And the woman responded, “Oh, he’s seen it already.” Send it anyway with the words “fuck” and “no,” I commanded. And I forwarded it to him.

She confessed in a 1995 special that her agent was concerned the Allen joke would harm her career, but O’Donnell still referred to him as a “slimy bookish lookin’ little molestin’ bastard” and made it very obvious that she didn’t want to collaborate with him.

She explains to Stern that this oddly did not dissuade Allen at all, and he still tried to pursue her: “They called back and said, ‘He really wants you to do it. He wants to speak with you about it. “I’m not doing it,” I declared. I’m not employed by him, working alongside him, or otherwise connected to him.

Allen may have been frustrated that “he couldn’t utilize his weight to entice someone over to his side,” according to O’Donnell, who also notes that “He had a lot of people under his spell.” However, rejecting him resulted in a connection with his ex-girlfriend, Mia Farrow, that lasted for years: “She heard that story and she contacted me to ask if it was true and I said, ‘Oh yes, it’s true.’

Even my closest friends didn’t support me during this, and now that you’ve done your HBO special and this, I’ll always be grateful to you, she sobbed. You’re not owing me anything, but you are my buddy, and I have long respected what you’ve accomplished with your life.

Allen was not the only time O’Donnell turned down a well-known, influential person. Additionally, she disregarded Michael Jackson, who was also accused of child molestation in the 1990s (and onward). “His guards approached us at a wedding and said, “He would want to speak with you.

“I’m not interested,” I said. I really don’t want to,” she remembers saying. “And at last, they announced that he would arrive here. Since I am a member of the Children’s Defense Fund, I replied, “Well, tell him not to because I believe every charge against him.” He also did not come over. How many other actors in Hollywood can say they adhered to their principles in such a way?

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