Tammy Slaton, known for her appearance on the reality show “1000-Lb. Sisters,” has announced the tragic passing of her husband, Caleb Willingham. The couple, who tied the knot in 2022, had been rumored to have separated prior to the heartbreaking news. Tammy’s sister, whose name is not mentioned, referred to Caleb as her “best friend” in a statement confirming his death.

Caleb Willingham And Tammy Slaton

Following the news, Tammy Slaton took to Instagram to express her grief and share pictures of her and Caleb. She wrote a heartfelt message, saying, “Rip sweet angel you will forever be missed and loved so much thank you Caleb for showing me real love and happiness.”

Caleb Willingham Tributes

Tammy and Caleb first met at the Windsor Lane Rehabilitation Center in Gibsonburg, Ohio, in 2022. Their relationship progressed, leading to Caleb proposing in October of that year. Shortly after, in November, PEOPLE magazine exclusively revealed that the couple had gotten married.

Tammy Slaton also shared an exclusive statement via PEOPLE magazine. She wrote: “I am devastated to share the news of my husband’s passing. He was my best friend and I loved him dearly. When I met Caleb he became my guardian angel and now he really is watching over me. Our families appreciate everyone’s sympathy and ask that you respect our privacy at this time.”

TLC added its condolences by sharing in a statement, “We are deeply saddened to learn of Caleb Willingham’s passing. Our condolences go out to Tammy, his family, and friends at this difficult time.”

The TLC reality show “1000 Lb. Sisters” featured the weight-loss journey of two sisters, Amy and Tammy Slaton, whose combined weight exceeds 1,000 pounds. One of the key moments on the show was the wedding of Tammy Slaton and Caleb Willingham, which took place in Ohio in 2022. The wedding was showcased during the season four finale in March 2023.

Caleb Willingham And Tammy Slaton

Tammy Slaton expressed her happiness about the wedding day, describing it as perfect and filled with love in an interview with People magazine in January. The couple’s wedding was a significant and emotional event, capturing the attention and hearts of the show’s audience.

But the rosy romance didn’t last and the couple reportedly separated in May 2023.

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