Shinmai Ossan Boukensha, also known as “The Rookie Middle-Aged Adventurer Was Trained to Death by the Most Powerful Party to Become Invincible,” is an upcoming fantasy anime that is generating a lot of buzz among anime enthusiasts. The anime adaptation of this popular light novel series has recently announced its release date, much to the excitement of fans.

Shinmai Ossan Boukensha

Set to premiere in 2024, this highly anticipated anime adaptation of a popular light novel series is poised to deliver a fresh and entertaining take on the fantasy genre.

While fans eagerly await the series, there has been no specific release date or window revealed at this time. However, the promise of an impending release in 2024 is enough to keep anime enthusiasts on the edge of their seats.

Shinmai Ossan Boukensha Plot

At the heart of “Shinmai Ossan Boukensha” lies the unconventional journey of Rick Gladiator. In a world where adventurers typically commence their heroic quests at a young age, Rick is a breath of fresh air.

As he embarks on his adventure, he defies the norm by being well into his thirties. What sets Rick apart, though, is his astonishing combat prowess, which places him on par with S-rank adventurers—the highest echelon of adventurers in his world.

Shinmai Ossan Boukensha Plot

Rick’s remarkable abilities can be attributed to his association with the renowned adventuring party known as “Orihalcon Fist.” Comprising the continent’s strongest adventurers, this legendary group takes Rick under their wing and imparts their formidable skills to him. This unique bond with Orihalcon Fist elevates Rick to a level of strength that few can match.

“Shinmai Ossan Boukensha” promises to inject a healthy dose of comedy into the fantasy genre. This comedic twist, combined with elements of fantasy, sets the stage for a memorable and entertaining viewing experience. As Rick navigates his late-blooming adventure, viewers can expect a lighthearted yet action-packed journey filled with unexpected humor and heartwarming moments.

Shinmai Ossan Boukensha: The Stellar Voice Cast

Voice acting is an integral part of any anime, and “Shinmai Ossan Boukensha” boasts a star-studded cast that breathes life into its characters. Takuya Sato takes on the role of Rick Gladiator, bringing his character to life with depth and authenticity.

Shinmai Ossan Boukensha: The Stellar Voice Cast

The cast also includes:

  • Saori Onishi as Reanette Elfelt
  • Kenta Miyake as Broughston Ashorc
  • Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Mizett Eldwarf
  • Misaki Kuno as Alicerette Draqul

These are all talented voice actors with a lot of experience in the anime industry. Takuya Satou is known for his roles in Moriarty the Patriot and Sonny Boy. Saori Onishi is known for her roles in Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest and KonoSuba.

Kenta Miyake is known for his roles in The Case Study of Vanitas and Kami no Tou. Toshiyuki Toyonaga is known for his roles in Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai (2020) and Fruits Basket (2019). Misaki Kuno is known for her roles in Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun and Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear.

Shinmai Ossan Boukensha Production Details

Responsible for bringing the world of “Shinmai Ossan Boukensha” to life is the animation studio Yumeta Company. While perhaps not as widely recognized as some of the industry giants, Yumeta Company has a solid track record in anime production.

Shinmai Ossan Boukensha Production Details

With works like “Record of Ragnarok Season 2,” “My Sweet Tyrant,” and “Tokyo Mew Mew New” under their belt, Yumeta Company brings its expertise to the table to ensure the anime’s visual quality matches its compelling storyline.

Shinmai Ossan Boukensha Streaming Platform

As of now, the specific platform for streaming “Shinmai Ossan Boukensha” outside of Japan has not been officially announced. However, fans worldwide can eagerly anticipate the opportunity to experience the action-packed and comedic adventures of Rick Gladiator and his companions when the series finally premieres in 2024.


The impending release of “Shinmai Ossan Boukensha” has ignited a wave of excitement among anime enthusiasts. With its comedic take on the fantasy genre, a talented voice cast, and the involvement of Yumeta Company in animation production, this series promises to be an entertaining and memorable addition to the anime landscape.

While the specific release date and streaming platform are yet to be revealed, fans are poised and ready to embark on this late-blooming adventure in 2024.

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